How to increase weight by following 10 tips

how to increase weight
Weight is an important factor of our good health. But over weight is harmful for our health. If you have a good weight you can enjoy a sound health. If you have not a good weight you will suffer much.

Many of us are the sufferer of this. If you face this problem and want to know how to increase weight you can see this post. Here I will tell you how to increase weight by following some tips. You should follow this. If you follow this you can learn how to increase weight easily. Just follow me.

How to increase weight

If you want the answer of the question "How to increase weight?" follow this rules. 

1. Fix a goal

increase weight
For any kind of success everyone need to set a goal. So in this phase first you have to set a goal to increase weight. A perfect goal will help you to be successful.

2. Make an ideal food chart

how to gain weight
You have to make a food chart. That will help you more. Keep in mind that you must add nutritious food in your food chart.

3. Eat 5-6 meals a day

gain weight
To increase weight you may eat 5-6 meals per day. Each time you should not eat over. If you eat over food you may face digestion problem. You may fix your time for eating. You may eat every 3 hours later. You should add nutritious food in your daily food chart.

4. Try to add calories

how to increase weight

You have to increase calories to increase weight. You must have to add extra 250+ calories everyday. For adding calories you should not eat over food.

5. Eat protein

increase weight

You may eat the food that contains protein to add calories. You can get more protein from meat, fish, cheese, eggs etc. These will provide you more protein and protein will provide more calories.

6. Take weight train

increase weight by gym

You may take weight train 3-4 days a week. If you take weight train your muscle will increase. You should increase the weight which you train. For example, if you do the lateral pulldown with 25 kilos of weight, you should try it to 30 kilos of weight in the next time. So this weight train will help you to increase weight.

7. Try to eat fast

how to increase weight by some ways

It is another cool trick to increase weight. You may try to eat fast. Because who eat fast will able to eat more. You must keep in mind that you should not choke while eating. So it is an effective way to eat more from before.

8. Eat before bed

increase weight

When we sleep our body grows. For this you should eat before bed. As a result the nutrition of food will work fast. As a result you will get weight.

9. Eat several foods

several food for increasing weight

It is a good term. You have to eat different types of food to get better result. One kind of food has no enough nutrition. Again different types of food will increase your taste.

10. Be conscious of using supplement

suppliment to increase weight

There are many supplements for gaining weight. Many of us want to take it. You can take it to gain weight but you should justify it. Because there are many scam supplement that will harm you. So be aware of using this.

Friend these are the cool tips to increase weight. Now you have learnt how to increase weight. So follow these and enjoy a good weight. If you like this, share this with your friend.

How to grow taller by following some ways

how to grow taller
Perfect height is a good factor for our good health. Those who are not tall enough face many physical and mental problems in his life. Many times they remain mentally unfit or lose confident for any good job or any lifestyle.

In this situation we want to know how to grow taller. But many of us don’t know how to grow taller. As a result they find many tips or article about this. Now in this post I have shared the way of growing taller.

How to grow taller by some effective ways

There are many effective ways to grow taller. If you don’t know about these, read this article and learn how to increase height. See bellow ways and try these.

Have a proper sleep

how to grow taller by sleeping

When we take rest or sleep, our body grows and revives our tissues. Besides it is a great fact that, the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is responsible for our growth is produced when we have a good sleep. When we have a good sleep then our brain remains relax and increases more growth hormones. And you will get height. In other sense a busy brain doesn’t increase enough growth hormones. A person should sleep 8-11 hours a day.

Eat a balanced diet

eat a balance diet grow taller

It is another vital element for our good health. For getting a sound body we must take balance diet. It also helps you to increase height. Because it has all the nutrients. Again it is found that if your body has a lack of these nutrients your height will not increase. For this reason you need to take balanced diet.

Take exercise

how to grow taller by exercise

Exercise is also good tips for increasing height. There are many height increasing exercises that will help you to increase your height. If you practice these everyday or 5-6 days in a week you will able to increase your height. I have written a post about these exercises. If you want you may read this post - best exercises to increase height.

Drink milk

grow height by drinking milk

Milk is important for the growth of a human body. It has a plenty of calcium and many important mineral. These are important for bone growth. Again calcium acts as a height assistant. Besides it has vitamin A and protein. Those not only increase your height but also help you for the overall development of your body.

Enjoy the sunlight to get vitamin D

sunlight for growing height

Sunlight is the source of vitamin D which helps you to increase your height. If your body doesn’t get enough vitamin D, your bone will remain week and it hampers your growth. So you should enjoy sunlight everyday at least 20-30 minutes. You may enjoy it in the morning or before sunset to safe yourself from harmful ultraviolet rays of sun.

Drink plenty of water

drink water to increase height

We all know water is important for our life. We can not live without it. But many of us drink a little water. So we should try to drink plenty of water in a day. As a result harmful toxins are removed from our body and help to digest. Besides it develops our metabolism rate which has a direct impact on our height. Not only this but also it needs for our overall health. A person should drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. We also have to eat watery vegetables and fruits like cucumbers, watermelon etc.

Avoid the factors that hamper growth

avoid drug to increase height

There are many factors that hamper to grow taller. If you want to increase your height you must have to avoid such kind of things. Such as drugs, alcohol, caffeine etc. hamper to grow taller. So you have to avoid these.

Be aware of using growth supplements

avoid scam medicine for frowing height

Many of us who are short in size may search for “how to grow taller” in the internet. Then you may get any supplementary to grow height. Many companies of these supplementary may tell you their product is good for your height. But you should not take this without considering other facts or without permission of an expert. Because many of these have side-effect for our body. So be aware of using these.

Yes! These are the best way to grow taller. By following these you will be benefited. Hope you may learn how to grow taller. So follow these and grow your height. If you think this post is helpful, you may share this with your friends.

Best 15 exercises that increase height

How to increase height
Height is a part of our sound body. It makes our body attractive.  Many of us are not high enough. As a result we face many problems. We lose our confident and suffer many psychological problems. Really sometimes this problem hurts us.

In this situation we who are not high enough want to increase height. But many of us don’t know how to increase height. As a result we find many tips for it. This post is for them who are short in size. It helps them much.

How to increase height

There are many ways to for it. Such as exercise, medicine, foods etc. In this topic I will tell you how to increase height by taking exercise. These exercises are given bellow. You should follow them correctly. If you practice these your height will increase 2-4 inches.

Best 15 exercises to increase height for you 

1. Hanging

increase height

Hanging is one kind of exercise and it is a simple way for it. By this gradually you can increase your height 1- 2 inches. You should hang down from a bar and expand your body. If you continue this for a long time you will get height. 

2. Swimming

exercise for increasing height

Swimming is another good exercise for increasing height. When you swim your whole body and limbs are moved. This is good for your height. I think it is one of the best ways. If you swim regularly your height will increase.

3. Bicycling

cycling to increase height

Bicycling is also good for it. If you ride a bicycle regularly the height of your legs will increase. For this you should try to ride bicycle in several times in a week.

4. Jumping over rope

How to increase height

Though jumping over rope is school game, it is really good for your body to stretch. If you jump over a rope your muscles will increased. Thus you can increase your height.

5. Cobra stretch

exercise for increasing height

Cobra stretch is also good for increasing height. It means expanding out your backbone and body. If you practice it regularly you will get a good result. To practice it you have to lie on the floor with keeping down your face and palms under your shoulder. Curve your backbone up leading your chain from an assess angle. You should try to curve more you backbone as possible and stay like it up to 30 seconds.

6. Bow down head

exercise to increase height

Bow down is a good exercise to increase height. For this you have to stand straight and place your hand on your heap. Now bend yourself as far as possible and bow down you head. Remember that, you should not bend your knee. You should stay up to 8 to 10 seconds.

7. The table

how to increase height

It is one kind of good exercise. That will help you to increase your height. In this exercise you have to shape your body as a table. To practice it you have to sit on the floor with keeping your feet straight. Now keep your palm on the floor towards your feet. Now by bending your knee you have to pick your body over the floor.

8. Super stretch

Increase height

It is another kind of exercise that helps you to grow your height. It is an easy task. For this you have to stand upright and keep your hands behind your head. Now bend your head upward and you should back as possible. You should do this stretch slowly and stay like it for 5-10 seconds.

9. Hopping with one leg

It is a good and simple task. You can try it anytime and anywhere. To exercise you have to you have to hop on your one leg for five times with your hands pointing towards the sky. After that you have to hop on your other leg in the same method.

10. Spot jump

spot jumping to increase height

It is another fact for increasing height. To practice it you have to keep you legs close and stand depending on your toe. Now start jumping with your straight hand up in the air. You should keep it up at least 2 minutes.

11. Wall stretch

how to increase height

It is also helpful to increase height. For this you have to stand straight against a wall and reach your hand as possible. When you will do like that you will get into your tiptoes. Remember that your backbone will remain flat against the wall. Each time you have to practice it for 5-6 seconds.

12. Touch toe

increase height by exercise

By this you will get your height. It is easy to do. To do it you have to stand up straightly. And then you have to bend down and try your best to touch your toes. Remember don’t bend your knee.

13. Pelvic shift

pelvic stretch to increase height

It is one of the most effective exercises to increase your height. To do this you have to lie flat and keep your hands besides your body. Bend your legs and slowly push your pelvis upward. Hold this position up to 20-30 seconds. To get better result you have to practice it for more times.

14. Cat and dog stretch

cat and dog stretch to increase height

There are many stretches. It is one of them. This stretch will help you to increase your height. You can do this with your hand and knee.

15. Downhill

downhill exercise to increase height

To practice this you have to stand. Then keep your hands together and arms behind you. Now bend down your waist and slowly swing your arms as high as you can behind you. You should stay in this position at least 5-6 seconds.

As you read the post, you have learned that how to increase height by taking exercise. Now practice these exercises and increase your height. If you practice these regularly you get success. Do you like this post? If you like it you may share or bookmark it and share it with your friends.