How to increase weight by following 10 tips

how to increase weight
Weight is an important factor of our good health. But over weight is harmful for our health. If you have a good weight you can enjoy a sound health. If you have not a good weight you will suffer much.

Many of us are the sufferer of this. If you face this problem and want to know how to increase weight you can see this post. Here I will tell you how to increase weight by following some tips. You should follow this. If you follow this you can learn how to increase weight easily. Just follow me.

How to increase weight

If you want the answer of the question "How to increase weight?" follow this rules. 

1. Fix a goal

increase weight
For any kind of success everyone need to set a goal. So in this phase first you have to set a goal to increase weight. A perfect goal will help you to be successful.

2. Make an ideal food chart

how to gain weight
You have to make a food chart. That will help you more. Keep in mind that you must add nutritious food in your food chart.

3. Eat 5-6 meals a day

gain weight
To increase weight you may eat 5-6 meals per day. Each time you should not eat over. If you eat over food you may face digestion problem. You may fix your time for eating. You may eat every 3 hours later. You should add nutritious food in your daily food chart.

4. Try to add calories

how to increase weight

You have to increase calories to increase weight. You must have to add extra 250+ calories everyday. For adding calories you should not eat over food.

5. Eat protein

increase weight

You may eat the food that contains protein to add calories. You can get more protein from meat, fish, cheese, eggs etc. These will provide you more protein and protein will provide more calories.

6. Take weight train

increase weight by gym

You may take weight train 3-4 days a week. If you take weight train your muscle will increase. You should increase the weight which you train. For example, if you do the lateral pulldown with 25 kilos of weight, you should try it to 30 kilos of weight in the next time. So this weight train will help you to increase weight.

7. Try to eat fast

how to increase weight by some ways

It is another cool trick to increase weight. You may try to eat fast. Because who eat fast will able to eat more. You must keep in mind that you should not choke while eating. So it is an effective way to eat more from before.

8. Eat before bed

increase weight

When we sleep our body grows. For this you should eat before bed. As a result the nutrition of food will work fast. As a result you will get weight.

9. Eat several foods

several food for increasing weight

It is a good term. You have to eat different types of food to get better result. One kind of food has no enough nutrition. Again different types of food will increase your taste.

10. Be conscious of using supplement

suppliment to increase weight

There are many supplements for gaining weight. Many of us want to take it. You can take it to gain weight but you should justify it. Because there are many scam supplement that will harm you. So be aware of using this.

Friend these are the cool tips to increase weight. Now you have learnt how to increase weight. So follow these and enjoy a good weight. If you like this, share this with your friend.

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